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Anik Singal – Things You Should Know About Him

Anik Singal is the founder and CEO of two reputed companies, VSS Mind and Lurn, Inc.

He stands as one of the most successful digital marketing publishers in the industry.

Being an expert in generating profitable products, affiliate marketing, building backend funnels, and business management consulting, he is one of the recognized entrepreneurs in the world.

He is also recognized at the Business Week in the Top 3 of the Best US Entrepreneurs under 25.

The Secret door to his best selling Inbox Blueprint (2018) course is STILL OPEN – Enroll Now!

Table of Contents

Anik Singal Courses and Products

From the time I have known him, here are the courses, training programs, software, and tools he launched:

Books launched

His Achievements

As a CEO of Inc 500, Anik Singal’s company has been listed twice among the Fastest Growing Companies in America.

He started working hard early during his college education at the University of Maryland when he was named Entrepreneur of the Year by Hinman CEOs and received the Company of the Year from MTech.

Today, his digital marketing business generates yearly sales of about $20 million.

Moreover, he has contributed over $100 million in the domain of online publishing sales for both, his own products and his client’s businesses.

He has a set-up where he teaches people how to start their passion-based online business.

In addition, he has a step-by-step guide that has helped over 250,000 people learn how to maximize profit and generate revenue. Many of his students have led to becoming incredibly successful experts.

Anik Singal has always given back his success in the form of social contribution. He has:

  • dedicated his life to the business schools in the world.
  • worked on making education one’s birth-right.
  • built four schools in the country and has planned to scale the mission of his non-profit organization globally, called “For All Our Good”.

Anik’s life can be presented with the three flash moments that have led to his success. His success was neither his luck nor was so easy to gain as it looks like.

He too has gone through various challenges that repaid him.

Just like many other successful people, his success is also followed by various failures.

As a motive in his life, all he wanted was a success as an entrepreneur. He wanted to start his own business. The more he worked for his dream, more he kept going back from it.

And finally, it came to the shutdown level.

Flash Moment #1 – Anik decided to leave everything behind his success

Anik Singal had it all, his professional career, wealth and a good opportunity. Still, his passion kept pulling him in a different direction.

He listened to his heart and dived in his direction. The world called him crazy. His family was supportive, still worried. And he himself was frightened to the fullest.

He got into a business school wanting to get a practical experience instead of mugging up from the books.

He spent more than 12 hours each day to discover how to build a business online. It became an addiction.

He tried his best to build his business, but despite such a deep passion, nothing worked.

Getting to the digital marketing world

After spending 18 months and failing to make even a single penny, Anik started doubting if it was the right decision he’d taken.

People laughed and called him crazy, yet he kept working day and night but didn’t make even a penny.

One day after one and a half year, he sat down ready to give up. He finally gave himself a timeline of the next 24 hours and decided if he didn’t make even $1, he would quit his dream.

The next day, he sat in front of his computer and nervously waited to see if it showed zero dollars. If yes, he would become an ordinary man like his friends and would submit applications and give interviews in various companies.

He logged and… the account showed $330!

The Secret door to his best selling course Inbox Blueprint (2018) is STILL OPEN – Enroll Now!

This was the first victory he made.

He was now on the verge of making a full time living with his online business and started doing more and more with his business.

He introduced innovative strategies that helped his students do well in their career.

Anik held 3 global offices and a huge number of employees.

With the invention of his own systems, he hired more people to innovate more and felt that he could do no wrong. But it was only a thought that could not transform into a reality.

With his innovative systems, he stopped taking the simple steps and started to go away with digital publishing. Even if the company made $10 million in sales in a year, he actually lost a lot of it.

There was no profit and debt stayed everywhere.

Flash Moment #2 – The Debt Shoe

While he was into losses, the debt raised to $1.7 million, in fact, more. He borrowed using his credit cards, from friends, from families, partners, and everyone but was on the verge of losing his life.

One day in the plane on the runway of Amsterdam, when the plane was about to take off, he got an attack. The plane was stopped, and the man was taken to the hospital immediately.

He had lost almost 60% of the blood. He was destroyed, and so was his business and health. The doctors saved him.

He was blessed with a second life. It was a new chance he felt the God gave him to learn from his mistakes and write his future again.

Flash Moment #3 – Come back SUCCESS

And he made it all – A millionaire again!

Anik regained his health and was able to make himself stable. He wondered what built his business for the first time!

And then, he answered himself; it was his ‘formula’. It was his digital publishing systems and the engine behind his business. The company’s customer base brought massive growth to the business.

While it took six years to make his first $10 million for the first time, this time, he made it in just 16 months.

Today, he holds numerous online businesses and has also helped other people generate over $100 million through online publishing sales.

He has trained almost 2,50,000 students around the globe, and with such a good profit, he also runs various non-profit organizations.

He has made four schools in India and plans to build more than 100 schools in Mumbai alone.

The picture shows (starting from the right) Anik Singal’s father, mother, he himself, his beautiful wife Andrea, and his team members)

No plan persists to slow down anytime soon.

How do I know him?

I have worked for Anik Singal for 6 years. Being on his team made me enthusiast, smart thinker and of course talk to thousands of students worldwide.

The picture shows (starting from the left) Anik Singal, (me) Nisha Garg and Ritoban Chakrabarti

Being with him was a great learning experience. Worked on new challenges and projects every few months.

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